Walk/Run/Bike For Food with Feed the Hungry

Viñedo Dos Buhos
Calling ALL WALKERS, RUNNERS, and BIKERS! you are invited to participate from anywhere on the planet and complete your challenge any day in the month of October. An option to join the in-person event at Viñedo DosBuhos on Oct 23rd is available if you are in San Miguel. Sign-up today for either event at: feedthehungrysma.org
All donations go towards the purchase of food for Feed the Hungry’s “Feed the Families” program which provides life savings nutrients to 20,000 San Miguelenses who are in need.
Welcoming the Sabbath
Friday, October 1
Free, Virtual
Noah Stevens will present "Beginnings". All are welcome.
Email to shalomsanmiguel@gmail.com for the Zoom ID and Passcode Zoom Meeting
San Miguel Poetry Cafe

Tuesday, October 5
The Poetry Cafe begins its new season with local poets Wendy Bichel, Signe Hammer and Ken Morrow reading from their recent works, an interactive online event via Zoom. Pre-registration is required at: https://sanmiguelliterarysala.org/
415 119 3438
Jewish Community Virtual Service

Saturday, October 9
Free, Virtual
09:15 am
JC3, via Zoom meeting # 466-016-9574
Photography Coffee Social

Saturday, October 9
Free, Virtual
11:00 am
This is a recurring online meeting suitable for all levels of photographers that wish to learn something new. Please feel free to join us every Saturday. To receive the weekly email describing the next meeting, please visit the Photographic Gallery at Mesones 57 to sign up.
This is a recurring meeting Saturdays at 11CST
Join the Zoom Meeting: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79251280706?pwd=TmRCZHp0YmVId3V3RTF3MGY3MWxTdz09
OR/ Meeting ID: 792 5128 0706 Passcode: sma